70xSeven™ Brand

70xSeven™ brand is a casual contemporary brand for people of all ages.
Many of our products are handmade in sunny Southern California by our team of skilled craftsmen. We take pride in fueling the U.S. economy and keeping the work within our states.
What does 70xSeven mean - Matthew 18:21-22 Never-ending forgiveness
Forgiving heals your soul and allows you to move from the bondage of bitterness, to living freely and thriving... Lisa Berck
At 70xSeven™ we believe in giving back to those in need and are dedicated to contributing 2% of our net profits to Joyful Heart Foundation founded by Mariska Hargitay. Joyful Heart Foundation was founded to help women and children that are survivors of abuse and sexual assault. We want to join by contributing financially to increase the healing support and education the Joyful Heart Foundation is providing to these victims.
“When people are abused and assaulted, it is like the doors to their souls slam shut. The Goal of Joyful Heart is to let the light and the life, back in – to banish the darkness and let the healing begin”
Mariska Hargitay, Founder & President of the Joyful Heart Foundation(http://www.joyfulheartfoundation.org/about-us/founders-corner)
Facebook - Joyful Heart Foundation
Instagram - TheJHF